Articles Tagged with Workplace Injury

The Wolf Administration, PennDOT, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and the Association of Pennsylvania Constructors gathered this week in Harrisburg to kick off Work Zone Safety Awareness Week.

PennDOT data shows that 16 people were killed in work-zone crashes in 2016 which is down from 23 in 2015. However, there was an increase in work zone crashes this past year (2,075 in 2016 up from 1,935 in 2015). Over the last five years, work zone crashes have been occurring at an average of 1,872 a year. Those work zone crashes have also been responsible for around 20 fatalities a year.  This data includes both PennDot workers and non-workers.   When looking at just PennDot worker deaths alone, 87 PennDOT employees have died in the line of duty since 1970.

“Work zone safety continues to be a top priority of the department,” PennDOT Secretary Leslie S. Richards said. “We all hope to help change driver behavior and raise awareness so all of us, highway workers and motorists alike, get home safely every day.”

On March 23, the United States Senate by a vote of 50-48 adopted H.J. Res 83.  This vote overturns OSHA’s rule “Clarification of Employer’s Continuing Obligation to Make and Maintain Accurate Records of Each Recordable Injury and Illness,” informally known as the “Volks” rule (named for a case involving Volks Constructors). The U.S. House of Representatives approved the resolution by a 231-191 at the beginning of this month. Congress was given the power to adopt these resolutions under the Congressional Review Act.  Under this Act, Congress may pass a resolution to prevent a federal agency (in this case OSHA) from implementing a rule.

Employers have long been required to maintain records of work-related injuries and illnesses for a 5 year period.  Under the original rule, OSHA was allowed to issue citations to employers for failing to adhere to these recordkeeping requirements if the violation(s) occurred within a 6 month period.  The recently overturned “Volks” rule (put in place by OSHA in January 2017) extended that time period to allow citations to be issued up to five and a half years after violations allegedly occurred.

Advocates of the “Volks” rule believe that ongoing recordkeeping is an essential part of implementing safe workplace standards and strategies by referring to the records of illnesses and injuries and taking steps to correct there causes.  The critics of the rule believe it was unnecessarily burdensome on employers and is a rule that only appears to be pro-safety on its face because it merely exposes information about injuries and illnesses and does nothing for improving safety within workplaces.

The Children’s Home of Reading, a facility for children and youth in crisis, faced citations a few months ago from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Employees have faced a minimum of 10 cases of workplace violence, including kicks in the face, head and neck by residents. Employees were not provided the proper protective equipment for situations like these, and others.

“Employees have the right to a safe and healthful workplace, however, there are many documented reports in the past several years of employees being exposed to workplace violence at The Children’s Home of Reading,” said acting director of OSHA’s Harrisburg Area Office, Timothy Braun, in a press release. “This facility must take immediate action and institute effective protective measures to ensure that no more workers get hurt.”

The proposed fine for the findings total $23,160.

At the end of last month, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration cited a manufacturer based in St. Mary’s, Pennsylvania with “one willful and five serious violations.”

P/M National Inc. has been found guilty by OSHA after inspection for lacking machine guarding, which prevents workers from amputation injuries and other hazards. The owners at the facility confessed to failing to install these guards on newer metal presses and removing old ones.

The fines for such disregard for the safety of their employees has subjected P/M National Inc. with a $60,200 fine.

19-year-old Mason Cox was killed after being pulled into a wood chipper in Kings Mountain, North Carolina.

Reports say Cox was trying to kick a tree branch that he was loading into the chipper when his leg got caught in the tree branch.

Cox had just recently been hired by Crawford’s Tree and Stump Grinding Service and the accident occurred on his first day on the job.

Extending a decade long partnership, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the American Red Cross will continue to work together to further decrease the chance for workplace injury as well as safeguard workers from any exposures that could be life-threatening.

The partnership has been extended another five years, and the two organizations will shift their attention toward “providing workers and with information and training resources on emergency preparedness, disease prevention education and first aid,” said an OSHA Trade news release.

Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Dr. David Michaels stated that OSHA looks forward to the continued alliance so that workers can continue to have the resources that will keep them safe and healthy while on the job.

A breakthrough in wearable technology could lead to the improvement in workers’ quality of life as well as lower workers’ compensation claim costs.

Zack Craft, the vice president of Rehab Solutions and Complex Care Education at One Call Care Management, hopes that wearable technology will “help prevent workplace injury, keep routine injuries from migrating into more serious problems and improve the long term health status and independence of those who have serious injuries.”

Some features of the technology would include censoring the worker’s posture, monitoring the extent of their exercise and form, keeping track of whether or not equipment is being utilized properly, and even potentially allowing paralytics to walk again with the use of an exoskeleton awaiting FDA approval in 2016. The goal, Craft added, is for the wearable technology to help people evade re-injury or further complications. It also seeks to give back a significant amount of control to people who have already sustained severe injuries.

A work-related accident in State College sent a construction worker to the hospital last month with burn injuries.

Ronald Myers of Penfield, a 56-year-old construction worker, was working on the second level of the Fraser Centre when the accident occurred around 9:30 a.m. He was pouring concrete when his equipment hit an electrical line.

The Fraser Center is a 13 floor, $50 million development where up to 32 hotel rooms condominiums and 158 hotel rooms will be under construction through next summer.

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