
Drum Technician Killed in Stage Collapse

A drum technician for the band Radiohead was killed when an overhanging metalwork fell onto the stage just before the concert in Toronto park.

According to an article on, a number of crew members were on the stage preparing for the concert at the time of collapse. The scaffold-like structure fell about 50 feet, killing one man and injuring 3 others. The concert that evening was cancelled.

Less than a year ago, stage lights fell onto a crowd of fans at the Indiana State Fair just before the country band Sugarland was to take the stage. Seven people were killed and more than 40 were injured when a storm swept through the area, causing the stage lights to fall. The Indiana Department of Labor issued $80,800 in penalties following a worker safety investigation into the collapse.

This story shows us that injuries and sometimes fatalities can happen to any type of laborer, from local factory workers to stage crew members working with internationally known musicians. What they have it common is that fact that an injury occurring on the job can affect you physically and financially. If you are injured on the job, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact the workers’ comp attorneys at O’Connor Law for a free review of your case.

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